December 2024
Tuesday, 19:30
Broadway Village Hall

Parish Council Meeting




Councillors are summoned, and members of the public invited, to attend the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at 7.30pm, Tuesday 3rd December 2024 at Broadway Village Hall.




Members of the public may make representations, ask questions or give evidence in respect of matters on this agenda or any other item which may be included in a future agenda.  A speaker in the public forum may only represent their own point of view and shall speak for no more than 3 minutes. The Public Forum shall last a maximum of 15 minutes, and the Chair of the meeting has absolute discretion to request the speaker to stop or adjourn the public forum at any time.  No decision can be taken on issues raised unless the matter is already an item on the agenda.



Verbal report from Somerset Council Councillors. 

Where a written report is provided, this will be made available on the Parish Council website.



1.             Attendance and Apologies

2.             Declarations of Interest / Dispensation Requests

3.             Approval of Minutes: To confirm minutes as a true record of the previous meeting.

4.             Planning Applications

a.      New Applications

i.        24/02475/OUT: Land Between Pound Road And Paulls Lane Broadway TA19 9SA - Outline application for the construction of 47 homes with all matters reserved except for access and layout (re-submission of 23/03017/OUT)

ii.       24/02731/HOU: Sunrays Hare Lane Broadway TA19 9LN - Erection of a two storey rear extension and replacement front porch

iii.     24/02710/HOU: Sunrays Hare Lane Broadway TA19 9LN - Demolition of existing garage and erection of a replacement carport & store

b.      Updates and Enforcement

5.             Finance

a.      Financial statement up to 30/11/24

b.      To approve payments requiring authorisation

c.       To consider draft budget for 2025/26

6.             To receive updates and agree any actions on the following areas:

a.      Highways

b.      Flooding

c.       Rights of Way

d.      Play Park

e.      Defibrillator

f.        Speed Indicator Device

g.      Volunteering and Community Group Updates

h.      Local Community Network

i.        Clerks Report

7.             Correspondence/matters for report only

8.             Any other urgent matters raised by permission of the Chairman

9.             Items for the next meeting

10.         Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 7th January 2025



